7 of the best mascots for luck and money

If you want to attract good luck and money, then first of all it is necessary to get a reliable mascots, that will boost your energy.

Improve your life and become a successful person it is possible by using the powerful amulets. Has repeatedly been shown that the energy is strongly acting on our life. How to get money and happiness, it is necessary only to choose a mascot that will meet your goals and objectives. Properly selected mascot is the key to success, happiness and well-being.


1. A ring of endless happiness

If your dream is not true, how would you amount, it is possible to ring-a talisman. Turbocharged decoration on the happiness of a simple ceremony I: on the growing Moon clean the ring from foreign energy and negativity. Put a pan of cold water, add a tablespoon of salt and 3 pinches of baking soda. Wait until the salt is dissolved, then put into a saucepan a ring, conjuring:

"Salt water will wash away with the rings negative forever!"

Leave the ring in peace after a certain period of time (10-20 minutes), let the salt water clean the decoration of the alien energy. After the ring is needed to give under the moonlight, and start to talk about happiness:

"Growing Moon, put on strength, give you wealth, let the success to get there."

Keep the ring charged up in the morning. Do not forget that gold is best attracted by the money, the silver — achievement, and the tree — happiness.

2. Monetary toad

The most famous dolphin habit considered as a money toad. Amulet easily attracted by the money energy into the house. Suited for those, who needs money, wants to save their savings and get rid of loans. Real money toads, must meet the following criteria:

Monetary toad
  • to be golden or green in color;
  • to stand on three legs;
  • hold in the mouth a coin, which can be easily removed. If the coin will be glued or her hard will it be to find — so and you will be hard to earn money.

Money toad usually put at home, in the zone of wealth. The main thing — it is not necessary to put it on a high shelf, because the amulet of fear of heights.

3. Pendant-the sun, which brings good luck and money

The sun — symbol of light, happiness, well-being and good luck, because it overcomes the darkness. Pendant with the symbols of the Sun will become a great talisman. To buy the pendant must be in a good mood. Well, if it will be gold. The ritual of charging the decoration on the success and the money is held in the daytime, in the sunlight. Pendant put in a sunny place and leave for 40 minutes. Then pronounced:

"The sun-the sun, look out the window. Charge the amulet for ten years. For fifty days bring me a million rubles".

After the share with the mascot of your desires, tell us what you need, is money, and what dreams you want to accomplish with their help. The Amulet is worn in a visible place, and at night take it off and put it under the pillow. The more in contact with him, the better.

4. The mascot of the natural wood

Green socks

Simple talisman brings big money. Some procedures recommend the purchase of a talisman with the image of the monetary runes, but an ordinary chisel out of wood is able to increase the levies. Talisman is also suitable for the young and the elderly, and the poor and to the rich. Wear this amulet favorably affects the energy. Restores the balance, opens the cash flows, saves you from loss and overcome fatigue and apathy.

Wooden mascot holding either for yourself (in your purse, bag or pocket), or stored at home, in the office or the car. Make sure that he is lost. If the amulet suddenly disappeared, means that it's time to clean yourself from negativity, envy and harming.

5. Green socks

This cute home mascot quickly attracted to the wearer desirable. There is no need to wait for the rising Moon, the bright Sun, or a successful day for purchase. It is excellent if it will be green socks, which for you to connected close to a person. In the ideal case it is possible to connect it with your hands. Inside each sock placed on one account with the words: "the Charge of happiness, get money".

Socks should be stored in a visible, but out of the reach of the site. After the end of the month socks should be put on a few minutes before going to bed and make a wish: one for each. When wishes come true, the ceremony is worth repeating.

6. Money tree

The tree carries the energy of prosperity, growth and endless development. The mascot for the home, but can also assist in the office. Creates in space the atmosphere of happiness, boosts energy. Suitable for career growth and who is willing to take responsibility.

According to tradition, a sprig of money tree it is necessary to take in the rich house. Under the pot gave seven gold coins (gold or yellow) coins. Showering your tree, it is necessary to think about wealth, luxury, fame and prosperity. If the tree is growing, as well as coins quickly blacken, look at the energy of the house: it is likely, energy, money, and prosperity is fleeing.

7. Souvenirs, which cause pleasant emotions

The use of money

Intuition is often referred to subjects, which carry a positive charge. The eyes may get interesting coin, pebble clear, unusual sculpture, decoration, pendant. Like anything special, but attracts, fascinates. Definitely do not buy such a talisman will attract a lot of money and happiness.

Before using a mascot to the place of destination, it is necessary to clean it from foreign energy. For this purpose the experts website dailyhoro.ru advise to hold her under a stream of water a few seconds. The water will wash away the negative. Then it is necessary to utter a short phrase or spell and charge the subject for good luck and money.

Choosing a mascot, you will be able to attract luck and money. Remember, that talismans and amulets — it is not a magic wand that will save you from lack of money, loans, debts and financial difficulties. This is your colleague, which will ask a sure way to promote the faith and to protect from large losses. A lot of success!